Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July.

Last Friday, I was welcoming a first big holiday in the U. S. For this day, many people prepare T-shirt, which has white, red, and blue, and cook out. And at night, we can see big fireworks. I hoped to see the fireworks and do everything but I didn’t because my sister came to my house from Korea. My husband and I arrived to the airport around 7 pm. We thought that we could see the fireworks with my sister. But we met lately and were waiting her luggage for a long time because there are a lot of tourists. We left the airport around 9 pm. When we were on the way to a restaurant, I heard something like thunder. But that’s not thunder. That was Fireworks! Finally, we didn’t see the fireworks and we could hear just sound. I did miss but that’s okay because I could spend time with my sister.

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